
What is New with WooCommerce 5.9? Know the Insights Here!


Every developer is excited about

WooCommerce 5.9 release. It might be a minor release, but everything is backward compatible. WooCommerce Developers focus on providing better performance and stability. They have promised many new features, enhancements, and big improvements. 

What are the New Features in WooCommerce 5.9 Release?

Blocks + Intrinsic Web Design 

  • The biggest friction point for theme and pattern builders is the lack of tools available at the block level. It is solved to decrease the interface complexity. 
  • The block model applies some intrinsic design principles. It occupies the place in various layouts and containers. 
  • The block area helps wrap, stack, organize, and compose together to fit better spaces. Container blocks are capable of absorbing more layout controls. 
  • The typography tools must be more fluid and provide support to the algorithmic clamping.  


  • The new directory for the WooCommerce Development Services helps expand the inserter integration to add broader categories of patterns. 
  • The setup flow of single and multiple block selections is improved. This includes improving the process of transforming patterns. 
  • The creation of flows through patterns needs expanding from the template blocks and parts to pages. 

The navigation screen and block projects are the main aims of the

WooCommerce 5.9 release. This handles the principal tracking issue that could help improve user experience and reduce the complexities. 

Editing Flows for Block Theme 

  • The UX and design requirements should provide clearer information architecture. 
  • With the help of WooCommerce developers, you can process the design based on the users and theme builders. 
  • Define the transition flows from the widget areas to the block areas. 

Design Tools 

  • WordPress Development Company is focusing on bringing better and consistent design tools for progress. There is the seamless integration of tools with the block API and theme.json. The main aim is to provide consistency in accessing the tools for blocks and third-party add-ons. 
  • Work on the WordPress Components system, interactivity, refinements of color tools, accessibility, and more. 

Some Special Functions in WooCommerce 5.9 Release:

  • The WooCommerce Admin 2.8.0 RC 2 is updated with this release. 
  • The block package is updated to the WooCommerce Blocks 6.1.
  • The marketplace page gets a refreshed look and app cards with additional bits of information like ratings, reviews, and icons. 
  • Earlier the caching issue caused incorrect variable product prices during the VAT exemptions. 
  • With the empty billing email using REST API, it is now possible to remove it. 
  • No new actions or fillers are added or modified in this WooCommerce 5.9 release.
  • There might not be any database changes 


The final roadmap of the

WooCommerce 5.9 release are:

  • The Beta version on October 19, 2021
  • The Release Candidate on October 26, 2021
  • The Final Release on November 9, 2021

We tried to give you insights into this WooCommerce 5.0, and there are chances that you might miss the important things. Having a presence in the digital world, you need to stay updated and work on your platform regularly. Reach our WooCommerce developer to meet the expectations of your users.

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