has been launched since just 5 years but has taken over the entire development field of the PHP technological world. Laravel development is one such framework which has made PHP even more useful than it is by making various advancements in the PHP platform.
PHP is a very dynamic language but since the arrival of Laravel, it has become more powerful, faster and simpler. The latest upgrade of Laravel was noticed in July 2017, known as Laravel 5.5. With every new release, it seems to make certain advancement in the PHP framework. The major aim behind the development of Laravel was to prevent faults from happening in the coding and security of the development. This framework was built with a purpose to strengthen security, database migration with lower data loss in order to make entire development process easy.
Also read on: Laravel Security: 5 Major Features You Must Know
Here, in this article, you will find various benefits of Laravel over PHP followed by the little bit drawbacks as well. Read the article!
- Modular packaging with composer based dependency manager.
- Class autoloader.
- Eloquent ORM, the advanced active-record-pattern implementation
- Query builder as an alternative to Eloquent ORM, for direct access to the database.
- Support of database platforms including MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLServer.
- RESTFul state control over controller methods.
- Blade templating engine, simple yet flexible.
- Rapid automation with the inbuilt authentication mechanism, caching mechanism, powerful routing features, and session control.
- IO component to handle requests and responses.
- Artisan command along with sample codes line interface.
- Unit testing support.
- More secure to other framework and easy to implement.
- The namespace is used everywhere, So it is necessary to implement it in the whole app.
- The facades are just the alias of the class but it is used like the proxies.
- Problems with changing the version of the application.
Choosing the best PHP web development services for your business is a difficult task as you have too many options and resources. We have discussed the major technical advantages of working with Laravel and more reasons to choose it. You need the PHP web development services to integrate amazing features and build a long-term business. The development process is the most important part of building an online platform and you should ensure that the developer has great knowledge and experience in the required stream.The popularity of the Laravel Framework is increasing due to its incredible features and support. Even the developers prefer the Laravel framework especially for the backend development of the websites. If you want to get the best PHP web development services, you are at the correct place. We have everything that you want from a professional team to all the marketing strategies required to evolve your platform. Contact us to clear your doubts, discuss the future scope, build strategies, and easily manage all the tasks related to your business idea.
Contact Laravel development company today for any assistance regarding larval development!

About Author
Tarun Bansal - Technical Head
Tarun is a technology enthusiast with a flair for solving complex challenges. His technical expertise and deep knowledge of emerging trends have made him a go-to person for strategic tech initiatives. Passionate about innovation, Tarun continuously explores new ways to drive efficiency and performance in every project he undertakes.