It’s a season of holidays and customers are ready with their wishlist. Waiting is just for discounts to which customers consider and enjoys a lot while shopping. Actually, it a time when a customer can purchase his/her desired items at less price. However, offering a discount on products can provide you many benefits like increase in sales, conversion rates, more customers and much more.Here, it’s a good news for Magento eCommerce store owners, as Elsner has come up with an extension “Multi-Line Discount” which is developed by our skilled Magento developers.Check out the essential features which will allow you to list down the discount offers as well as multiple promotion.
- This Magento extension will allow you to display each item’s discounted price on a separate line.
- Multi Line Discount extension enables the user to showcase multiple discounts as well as promotion on an individual line at the shopping cart page, as well as on an invoice.
- Through Multi-Line Discount extension, the discounted price is been displayed in the emails which are sent to the customers regarding confirmation of order, edit note and also in an invoice. This will make easier for customers to know the actual price and the discounted price of a single product or the multiple products separately.
- Even in checkout/shopping cart page, the discount price of each product is displayed in individual lines.
- Multi-Line Discount extension is compatible with Magento 1.5.x, Magento 1.6.x, Magento 1.7.x, Magento 1.8.x, and 1.9.x which is easy enough to install and customize with different types of multiple Magento themes.
Multi-Line discount extension offers an impressive customer experience So make sure you won’t get late as this is a perfect time to increase the sell on your eCommerce store and at Elsner, Multi-Line Discount extension is available at an amazing price. To acquire this great deal, contact Elsner Technology today.You can view the details here: of any query you can contact to our Talented Magento developers and they will help you out.

About Author
Dipak Patil - Delivery Head & Partner Manager
Dipak is known for his ability to seamlessly manage and deliver top-notch projects. With a strong emphasis on quality and customer satisfaction, he has built a reputation for fostering strong client relationships. His leadership and dedication have been instrumental in guiding teams towards success, ensuring timely and effective delivery of services.